2021 Mil Rate Error

In 2021, the Municipality of Anchorage made a major mistake when calculating the property tax rates for areas outside of Anchorage Bowl.

Mike was literally the only person who spotted the error before it was too late to fix!

How much money did Mike save you?

The error added 2.55 mil to the Girdwood property tax rate and 1.11 mil to Turnagain Arm communities, areas of the Hillside without AFD fire service and parts of Chugiak/Eagle River.

For Girdwood it would have added $255 per $100,000 of the 2021 property assessment. You can find that assessment here: Property Assessments 

For a typical residential house in Girdwood, Mike saved over $1100 from the 2021 tax bill.

That's a direct saving for owners, and an indirect saving for renters, many of whom would otherwise have had a rent increase of ~$100/month.